The peaceful enjoyment of your home is our top priority!
What seperates you and your neighbour?
DUO has gone above and beyond the building code to make sure that you can truly relax in peace in your space. Several steps have been taken to make improvements to the sound separation between units.
These steps are detailed below:
1. Increasing the framing size between units above code from two 2x4 walls to two 2x6 walls.
2. Increasing the amount of insulation from a total of 8 inches to a total of 12 inches between units.
3. Adding an extra layer of drywall to each unit resulting in 4 layers of drywall between each unit.
4. Adding a layer of acoustic glue noise barrier between the double layer of drywall in each unit.
5. Filling all cavities (such as areas around electrical plugs) with quiet putty.
6. Adding acoustic sealant where the wall framing meets the subfloor.